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Phone | 0422 167 152

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Chantel has had markets in her blood since day one, growing up with her parents travelling to and selling at markets all over South East Queensland. This led to Chantel helping to start and run the Mulgowie Farmers Market in her early 20’s and highlighted her passion for markets.

After the birth of Chantel’s daughter, she made the decision to change her career path from farm food processing to creating the Walloon Markets in 2018. This transitioned into My Local Market in 2021, and then, in October 2021, expanded to include the Plainland Country Markets into the My Local Market family.

With Covid affecting so many small businesses, markets and stall holders, Chantel helped other markets and stalls brand themselves appropriately and assisted with various other avenues to help them grow and be seen. However, Covid’s effects are still felt strongly, leaving many left in need of support.

In 2022 when Chantel started presenting a social media weekly post for The 2 Hour Circle * Beyond, it highlighted the fact that there was a need for a central ‘go to’ place to find local events and markets. After overwhelming response from the public, stall holders and markets/event organisers, we decided to take it upon ourselves to create My Local Market Directory.

To start off with, we created the My Local Market Directory Facebook page. Within a month, we’d had inquiries to join the directory from around Australia, including as far as Tasmania and Western Australia!

This was all we needed to make the final decision to push the service Australia wide!

We’re super excited to share with everyone all of the up and coming markets for this weekend and everyday going forward!

So, welcome to the My Local Market Directory!